NL Sports Week, introducing: Propeaq - Orange Sports Forum
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NL Sports Week, introducing: Propeaq

The NL Sports Week (December 12 – December 16) is about to start! In the upcoming weeks towards the NL Sports Week we will introduce the organizations that will participate in the NL Sports Week at the Expo in Dubai. We will do this by asking everyone the same 5 questions. Today, we have the pleasure to introduce the Propeaq (website)! 


  1. Can you briefly introduce Propeaq ?

Stanford study reveals the effects of time-of-day on sports performance increases the chances on Olympic gold by 40%. With sleep enhancement and optimally benefiting from your internal clock. We offer a proven all-in-one package to 1.000s of athletes globally.

This pack, consisting of advice, individual scheduling and blue light glasses, is now available for everyone to sleep better in just 30 minutes a day and improve your health, mood and performance. Benefit from our Patented Blue Light Glasses and proprietary User Method as ultimate, easy to use & low cost Self Managed Healthcare solution. Now everyone can Sleep Better, travel Without Jetlag, stay Energized during Nightshift and Beat Winterblues.

  1. What does your organization have to offer in the UAE?

We want to improve health and performance of everybody in the UAE. Transferring knowledge about the importance of sleep and how to get back in control of your sleep-wake rhythm. Consumers will sleep better, increasing their immune system, business people and workers will be healthier and more effective. Athletes will perform better and beat personal records.

  1. Why do you participate in the NL Sports Week at the Expo in Dubai?

The Emirates are on the top of our list to share our knowledge and insights with. Sleep is a vital part of our existence and health. If one can improve their sleep, their health and immune system will increase (scientifically proven in many studies). In the end it is better for everyone to sleep better. For the person, for their friend and family, for their employer and for the government.

  1. What are you looking forward to the most?

Local business or governmental partners or leads to collaborate with.

  1. Why should everyone come to the Netherlands Pavilion and meet you at the Expo?

Stanford study reveals the effects of time-of-day on sports performance increases the chances on Olympic gold by 40%. We offer a proven all-in-one pack to 1.000s of athletes. Want to learn more and experience the glasses? Drop by the Dutch pavilion at the Expo2020 from Dec 13-16 and ask for the ‘blue light guy’. Happy to meet you.


If you want to get in touch with Propeaq, please contact OSF via the contact page and we’re more than happy to provide an introduction! For more information about the NL Sports Week, please visit the following webpage: